3 Tips to Attain (and Keep) Loyal Customers

Customer loyalty is crucial when it comes to sustaining a business and is paramount if you want to see your business grow to new heights! Customer loyalty doesn’t always happen over night and must be earned first and foremost by the value of products and services a business provides to its market.  Close behind are the positive customer experiences, consistent brand engagement, and customer appreciation. Below, we’ll dive in to three tips about how your marketing efforts can help you with these points above and will encourage any one-time customers or clients to keep coming back for more! To receive more marketing insight from us on this matter, or marketing matters like it, consider our consulting services.

Provide Incentives

Don’t we all want to feel appreciated? Your customers certainly do! Creating ways to show appreciation to your customers regularly is a surefire way to make long-term relationships with your clients/customers. Creating a long-term loyalty program that suits your business is a great way to get customers to return to your business. If you’re a small business and have the opportunity to make it more personal, like dropping off small gifts around the holidays, or sending personalized cards, then go for it! If you’re a bigger business with hundreds of clients (or not), then utilizing digital means of showing customer appreciation is the way to go (email marketing, social media). Providing customers with a special discount, a seasonal coupon, or something of the like will encourage them to stick with your brand because it shows it’s not just about the business, but about the relationship too. We believe if you have this attitude, you’ll be seeing your customers and clients for years to come!

Consistent & Creative Blogging

Don’t underestimate the power of blogging and blogging regularly. Blogging is a great way to create community around your brand within the industry your business is a part of. It is also a way to become the expert in that industry for your customers. For example, if you own a flower shop, your blog is going to post consistent blogs about the flowers in season, how to properly maintain certain flowers for longevity, how your business makes the perfect floral arrangement, and so on. When your target audience sees that they can read expert advice and information about their interest in flowers, they will begin going to your blog for the latest updates and begin seeing your business as their “go to” business for all things flowers. Blogging builds trust with customers and gives them something that they can benefit from. You can start blogging about your business and industry on WordPress.

Direct Engagement – Email Marketing

To effectively and consistently stay engaged with your customers and to keep your unique brand in the forefront of their minds, you will want to use a marketing tool that allows you to engage with your customers directly. A personalized email newsletter even just once a month goes a long way. Depending upon your industry, content, and special offers that you can provide, businesses can send out email blasts anywhere from once a week to a once a month newsletter. You just need to make sure your content is new, relevant, and engaging in each email, or people will start to feel like your business is inundating their inboxes with emails and will then unsubscribe. Provide your subscribers with relevant industry information, helpful insight, tips, as well as incentives they wouldn’t receive elsewhere. This also helps to cultivate a community within your brand as customers/clients begin to expect and look forward to your email each week/month. Email Marketing platforms like Active Campaign& Constant Contact are a great place to start!

Whether you’re a small business owner who is looking for on-going marketing advice that’s only a phone call away, or a large corporation that is in need of annual trainings and seminars for their employees and marketing personnel, Pearl Marketing is there to guide, mentor, and provide the knowledge & tools that will lead to YOUR marketing success!


With the launch of Pearl Marketing Academy, which will provide online courses for business professionals that would like to learn at their own pace and gain expert marketing knowledge, we are asking what course subjects you would be interested in learning in regard to marketing. Thank you!

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Pearl Marketing is a marketing consulting agency that educates, advises and manages personalized brand and marketing strategies. Our team of marketing experts serve as an extension of your company. At the core of success is a collaboration between Pearl and your company to develop and execute strategies to reach and retain your ideal customers.
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