Facebook Ads vs Boosted Posts.

Choosing a Facebook advertising strategy that fits your business.

For businesses, Facebook has provided a network for consumers to discover brands they would have never known existed. Home to over a billion active users, you might be wondering how to sift through all of the noise to let your brand be heard. That’s where Facebook advertising becomes an essential component of a marketer’s toolbox.

With several available options for advertising on Facebook, it can seem like a daunting task for business professionals to initially launch a Facebook campaign. You might have even contemplated if paid Facebook advertising will truly be an effective marketing approach for your business. If this sounds like you, here are some tips to getting started on successfully managing Facebook Ads!

What is the difference between Boosting Posts and creating a Facebook Ad?

Boosted Posts.

Boosting a Facebook post is when you pay Facebook to sponsor your content to reach more users. With boosted Facebook posts, you simply select a target audience and the amount of money you are willing to spend during a selected period of time, and Facebook presents your post based on these factors. This strategy is a practical way to increase your posts reach, or the number of people viewing your content, yet it does not provide you with many targeting options. Boosting posts is a quick and easy way to advertise, but if you have a specific marketing goal, such as increasing page likes, then creating a Facebook Ad in Ads Manager is a more effective approach.

Facebook Ads Manager. 

Facebook Ads that are created in Ads Manager have more options you can customize. Unlike boosted posts, Ads Manager allows you to create campaigns that deliver specific outcomes. If the goal of your ad is to drive traffic to your website or get users to install your mobile app, Facebook Ads Manager will perform based on these objectives.

With Ads Manager you can select a target audience based off of their location, interests, and age, as well as where your ad will be placed, such as on Facebook Messenger or Instagram (owned by Facebook). Once you have customized these options, Facebook provides a projection of how well your ad will do based off of these details so that you can ensure that you are maximizing a strategy that suits your business’s needs.

You can also create several different posts within the same campaign, which is beneficial for analyzing how one post outperforms a similar post with different text and image.

Depending on your marketing objective, you will customize the features of your ad that supports your business’s goals. The more specific you get, the better!

Which advertising method is better for my business?

Boosted posts are quick and easy. 

Perhaps you want to quickly run an ad that increases engagement and brand awareness; boosting a post is an effective marketing strategy. If you have an existing post that is performing well, boosting an organic post is also an effective strategy in comparison to creating a completely new ad in Facebook Ads Manager.

Facebook Ads are more customizable.

If your goal is to create a campaign that will be delivered to a distinctive group of consumers with a set of similar interests to achieve a marketing objective, then Facebook Ads will work best for your business. Facebook will guide you along the way so that you can maximize your budget to produce measurable results. The key is to equip yourself with the knowledge of who your target audience is and the type of content they are attracted to. A sound social media strategy will assist in this process.

You can create your own social media strategy to attain new and existing customers with the proper training from Pearl Marketing Academy. Sign up for the Social Media Course and start forming a strategy that will enhance your brand!

Why should I implement a paid Facebook advertising strategy?

Get your brand noticed.

Creating appealing content to distribute on social media helps you convey your brand’s messages to your audience so that they can better understand what your business has to offer. Getting to the point where you have a loyal following takes time, however. The first month you create a social media page, you most likely aren’t going to gain thousands of followers.

Yet you still need to maintain your business to generate consistent revenue. This is where paid advertising on Facebook and Instagram becomes a useful tool for getting your brand recognized. It presents your content directly to target user’s newsfeeds so that you do not have to rely solely on users finding your posts on their own. Consumers are increasingly turning to social media to try new brands and through sponsored content, they are being connected with brands who meet their demands… and this could be YOU!

Calculate measurable results. 

Facebook Ads will also allow you to track the performance of your ads so that you can measure conversion rates to calculate the return on your investment.

How can I get the most out of my marketing budget from Facebook Ads?

Create quality content. 

Don’t go into Facebook advertising with the notion that the more money you spend the better results you will receive. Facebook determines ad placement on several other factors in addition to your budget, such as the quality of your ad and the relevance it will have on consumers. If your ad targets users who are interested in skiing, but your ad focuses on snowboarding, an ad with a lower budget could have their ad placed more frequently than yours.

Spend your money wisely. 

Select a marketing budget that you are comfortable with. Start small at first and increase your budget as you become more savvy with Facebook Ads. If you create useful content that consumers will want to engage with, Facebook Ads will be worth your investment.

Utilizing the best practices to create, plan and develop your social media strategy can be attained with in-depth training from industry experts. Pearl Marketing Academy is the ultimate virtual learning experience that will provide you with the skills to implement a social media strategy that best fits your business. To sign up, visit PearlMarketingAcademy.com!

Don’t let paying the same website you use to connect with long lost friends intimidate you from expanding your business. Facebook is a marketplace for you to leverage new revenue opportunities. Your future customers are waiting to find you. Get your brand noticed NOW

At Pearl Marketing, our goal is to educate and inspire business professionals. Our team of marketing experts works closely with clients to customize strategies that reflect the unique personality and value of a business. At the core of success is a collaboration between Pearl and your company to develop and execute strategies to reach and retain your ideal customers. Let Pearl help bring your brand to life with our consulting services and one-on-one coaching. Call 603-732-9070 or email [email protected]!

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