
Marketing, specifically digital marketing, now plays an increasingly crucial role in business success and longevity. Businesses are finding that consumers have such an insatiable appetite for online interaction and information that they can hardly keep up with the demand. Additionally, consumer behaviors are constantly changing, requiring businesses to quickly adapt or risk losing their customers or audience. Many companies choose to DIY (do-it-yourself), while some will hire full-time or part-time marketing employees in-house. Both of these options can be costly, the former in terms of opportunity cost, and the latter in terms of overall payroll cost (salary + benefits). As more business continues to be conducted online, there is an increasing trend towards retaining an outside marketing agency to manage a business’ entire marketing process, including website development, social media, search engine optimization, graphic design, branding, and more.

As your business grows, you’ll eventually need to think about how marketing will be handled. It can be a tough and often confusing decision whether to hire an agency or to do it in-house. Here are 8 reasons why hiring a marketing agency is advantageous to the more traditional in-house model:


1) You don’t need to on-board, train, and manage an agency

One of the most time-consuming aspects of hiring a new employee is the process of bringing them into your company and having them understand their role. Some businesses spend months on the training process alone. Even after all that is done, you’ll still need to spend time managing the employee and making sure they stay on task. If the employee leaves, you’ve got to start all over again! With an agency, it’s a dreamstime_l_29231249
contractual and performance-based relationship. There is no on-boarding, training, or managing to deal with on your end (they won’t even take up any office space) because that is handled internally by the agency’s management team. If you are a DIYer, how many hours do you spend per week on marketing? Hiring a marketing agency frees you up to focus on opportunities that make money for your business.


2) You’ll save a lot of money

One of the first questions business owners ask when trying to determine whether to hire an agency or an in-house team is, “What’s the price difference?” You might be surprised to he
ar that an agency, overtime, will be much less expensive. Here’s how:


  • You won’t need to pay payroll taxes since they are an independent contractor.
  • You won’t need to pay benefits/healthcare costs.
  • You won’t have to pay for any of the expensive tools that are needed to properly run and track a marketing campaign.

If you’re thinking that those are just minor expenses, you will also want to take into account that to get the experience and expertise of an agency you would need to hire talented and experienced employees. Here’s     the average salaries for key marketing roles…


3) You’ll have access to a team of experts

Right now, the job market is doing very well. That’s great news for those looking for
a job but not-so-great news for those who are hiring. Group of Multiethnic Cheerful Designers with Speech Bubbles
Why? Competition is fierce and get to back it up. However, if you decide to hire an agency, you won’t just have access to one expert, you’ll have access to a team of experts. The number one benefit to hiring a marketing agency is that they have worked on similar campaigns in the past. This means they know what works and what doesn’t especially if they work with clients in the same industry as yours.companies are willing to pay big bucks to retain top talent. If you’re looking to hire an expert to manage your marketing campaigns, you’ll need the bud


4) Experience Creating and Executing Marketing Strategies

pearl-cloud-take-two-copyFrom HubSpot, “If you suddenly experience an increase in website traffic, phone calls, or new leads, do you know where they’re coming from? If not, you’re likely wasting your time on ineffective marketing strategies and squandering potential opportunities for even greater success. How are your marketing efforts contributing to website traffic, leads and customers? If you can’t answer that question, let a marketing agency answer it for you.”


5) Agencies Help Your Company Grow

From Matrix Marketing Group, “When the economy tightens, companies tend to cut costs. Marketing is often the first to go because they are seen as a “discretionary” expense. And when times are good, marketing often gets more funding. It’s contractarian to the objective of the CEO responsibilities. But reducing and expanding the marketing budget isdreamstime_xl_35150064 expensive. In the short-term, reducing or canceling marketing activities incurs cost. In the long-term, costs associated with attrition, staffing and erosion of knowledge base are more expensive. Under a traditional in-house operation, the only way you can increase the output of your marketing team is to hire more employees. Agencies already have cross-functional professionals on the core team that have been senior management with some of the top agencies, design firms or companies in the world.”

6) Outside help means an outside perspective


One of the scariest things a business can say is, “We’ve always done it that way.” That phrase leads to surefire stagnation if not complete decay. Whether it’s adopting social media as a viable strategy or rewriting website content, having someone not so engrained in your day-to-day can provide fresh perspectives.

7) They know the latest technologies

dreamstime_xl_25612150The agencies’ jobs are to stay abreast of the next big things, be they mobile apps, social networks, or distribution channels. Just two years ago, who would have thought that a disappearing photo sharing network would be the next big thing in business (Snapchat, obviously). How will you engage with your audience if you’re knee deep in payroll, taxes, human resources, and distribution activities? Hire a marketing agency.

8) Dedicated team at Pearl Marketing & Designpmd-superman-no-backgrounf

Pearl Marketing & Design provides you with a specialized, dedicated team of  marketing professionals who work collectively to manage your company’s brand and marketing strategies. Having a “go-to” team ensures that the project timelines and business objectives outlined in the marketing contract are met to your satisfaction.


Contact Pearl Marketing & Design today to learn how our marketing services can help your business improve performance. Contact us at (603) 732-9070 or [email protected]. Visit us online at


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Author pearladmin

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