If you’re on social media, chances are you’ve seen how a pound sign can switch a word or phrase into a light blue clickable link.  That structure is known as a hashtag, and hashtags have become an integral part of social media algorithms. 

Gone (at least in the mainstream) are the days where hashtagging was mainly people tagging their coffee photo with #peace #love #happyday.  Hashtags have now become a tool for marketing and sales.  Similar to keywords, these tags can push your content towards your niche market.  And with hashtags now optimized on nearly all platforms, they’re a solid strategy for social media marketing.  So how do we use them? 


Person using hashtags to navigate social media


Standards for Hashtags

Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags on the caption of a single post and 10 in the caption of a story, but experts recommend only picking the best 3-5 tags for posting.  

The Instagram user interface


Facebook creates a URL link for hashtags that opens into a page where tagged posts are in more of a forum style, unlike the layout of Instagram. The pros say that Facebook posts actually receive more engagement when you limit the number of hashtags down to 1 or 2!  

The Facebook User Interface

LinkedIn, a platform which can be affectionately described as “Facebook wearing a shirt and tie” recommends only 3 hashtags on a post!  They also open up a forum page when you search a hashtag.  Since LinkedIn is centered on creating serious connections, you can utilize a hashtag to start a dialogue, such as #LetsChatSales. 


Tiktok, a newcomer in the field of social media marketing, also seems to share the 3-5 golden rule of the other platforms.  Given that the app only allows captions of 100 characters, the limits make sense.  A unique feature of the platform is the #FYP hashtag, which will send your content into the randomized assortment of the “For You Page”.  The app’s intuitive algorithm learns the niche interests of its users and pushes content of that nature into their feed.  So consistency would be key with your Tiktoks – your audience will find you in time.  

The Tiktok User Interface


Now that we’ve established the major platforms, let’s go over some Do’s and Don’ts.  Trust us, we’ve made these mistakes too, and we’re sharing these recommendations with you as we learn more about the inner workings of the digital sphere. 


Pearl Marketing Hashtag Do’s

DO write down at least 10 hashtags to use with your brand, then narrow down and/or group them in sets of 3-5 for maximized efficiency on posts. 

DO search hashtags on social media platforms to ensure that the tag actually has activity.  

On Facebook for example, you’ll see results like the following

hashtag with lots of traction


hashtag that has prompted discussion

misspelled hashtags


DO remain consistent with your tags. It may take time, but you will grow your audience!


Pearl Marketing Hashtag Don’ts


DON’T intersperse your hashtags through the caption, it decreases legibility.  Stick to adding them at the end. 

DON’T misspell your hashtags by mistake! Always double-check. 

DON’T use hashtags in a comment if you are plugging your brand. By all means promote yourself, but hashtags from comments are filtered out of the algorithm.  

We hope that you learned a lot today! The Pearl Marketing team has been developing our own social media brand strategy over the past few weeks.   We enjoy sharing our knowledge with you, and if you’d like to continue learning, please check out the social media course on our Pearl Marketing Academy. 

Amanda Schneck

Author Amanda Schneck

More posts by Amanda Schneck

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  • Hi Meghan,

    I dig this post because most bloggers have little clue how to use hashtags effectively. Some overdo it. Others never use ’em. Like cooking a fish, finding the just right space seems most effective. Find the sweet spot, hit your tags and drive targeted traffic based on smart tag usage.


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