Another cyber-attack. Another breach.

You probably have heard in recent news that there has been another Facebook data breach, which has compromised 50 million Facebook users’ information. This latest breach has left people questioning (more than ever) the Facebook company’s intention on protecting its users’ and wondering how safe their private information really is.

What happened?

It’s important to understand what happened. Hackers were able to find a way into the code associated with the “View As” privacy tool, which allows users to see how their profile looks to others viewing their page. This allowed the hackers access to user information.

Were you affected?

As soon as the breach was realized by a team at Facebook, the company responded by logging all compromised users out. In a statement by Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, the compromised users would receive a message at the top of their newsfeed about the breach.

Has the problem been fixed?

The answer is yes! There has been confirmation that vulnerability with the code has been patched and fixed and those that were compromised are safe to sign back in to their account. The problems, however, have just begun for Facebook, as they must come up with ways to gain the trust back of and assure more security to their users.

Pearl Marketing’s Cyber Safety Recommendations in the wake of this latest breach…

Facebook is so tied in to the fabric of today’s digital marketing world as well as being one of the most popular social media networks. It’s hard to make a decision to stop using Facebook overnight, so as we mull this over and watch the fallout, Pearl Marketing recommends the following safety measures to help protect your Facebook information online.

  1. Change your password!
  • Especially if you know your account was compromised, changing your password is the easiest and “no brainer” option for protecting your account.
  1. Don’t stay logged in to your account.
  • Many people, especially on their phones, choose to stay logged in to their account to make it easier to check their Facebook notifications when they’d like. In other words, they don’t want to deal with the hassle of logging in and out, so they stay logged in 24/7. Don’t do this to give yourself a little more protection. Take the time to log in and out.
  1. Activate Two-Factor Authentication
  • This is another layer of security that will help thwart hackers to your account and will keep you better informed about something fishy going on with your account.

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