You probably opened this blog on your smartphone. By opening this email you went through your email application. Before, you may have checked your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. You also browsed through Groupon for the best deals, put a reminder on your Google Calendar, and maybe play a bit of Candy Crush.

All of these actions are through mobile applications. Society is run with smart technology, from smartphones, televisions, computers, and more.  If we need information on anything, we turn to our mobile devices. This has changed the way we market our brands to our intended audiences.

This blog will discuss the ins-and-outs of how to mobilize your brand into new possibilities.

The Stats on Mobile Marketing


According to the International Telecommunications Union, there were 5.9 billion mobile phone subscriptions worldwide in 2011, and mobile networks are available to more than 90 percent of the world’s population.These internet access patterns have massive implications for all kinds of businesses worldwide. The ability to contact consumers at the precise moment they’re near you and ready to buy exactly what you sell will transform how you market to them.

Make Your Site Mobile Friendly

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More and more people browse the web on their mobile devices. It is important that all brands are mobile friendly through their websites. As you are developing content for mobile devices, remember that search engines have a separate ranking system for mobile.

Here are a few things you can do to make sure your website is mobile friendly.

  • Make sure your site is mobile compliant. You need the pages to load properly on mobile devices.
  • Create a mobile sitemap so the search engines can index your pages for mobile browsers.
  • Use few words and small graphics. People don’t read much on mobiles and they want the data to come quickly.
Scott. D. (2013). The New Rules OF Marketing & PR. John Wiley & Sons. Hoboken, New Jersey.

An App For Everything

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Nearly every person who owns a smartphone downloads an application. In fact, 40% of smartphone users browse for apps in app stores. People are finding out about apps in all kinds of instances while using their smartphones—when they’re engaged in an app, searching for another specific app, watching a YouTube video, or even surfing a mobile website.

For example, if someone is visiting Nashua and they need to find somewhere to stay, they would search on Google “Hotels in Nashua” and find apps that list local hotel rooms.

Users also find apps through search ads. They’re among the most effective ad formats for driving app downloads: Of those who downloaded an app based on an ad viewed on their smartphone, 50% said they were prompted to do so by a search ad. This shift in how consumers find and learn about new apps paves the way for marketers to rethink their brand’s approach to app discovery. For marketers, this means making sure your app stands out wherever smartphone users are looking to discover apps relevant to their interests.

When you are creating an app, always prove the value and utility. Most people leave an app after they complete a task. To keep your consumers in your app, create offers and information that will keep your customers glued to your application. Ask yourself – “What will make me visit my app multiple times?” This way you will see more consumers visiting your business and your image grow bigger.

Tiongson, J. (2015, May). Mobile App Marketing Insights: How Consumers Really Find and Use Your Apps. Retrieved from



Author pearladmin

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