What is Personal Branding?
Marketing experts have studied how branding is the key to a company’s success and ultimately defines their overall public image. The importance of a company’s brand has been shown to have a direct correlation to the overall business generated. Look at companies such as Apple, one of the leading branding companies in the world. Descriptors of the brand include ‘innovative’, ‘imaginative’, and ‘design’.
But how do these brands develop into something larger than the actual product or service they are offering? It all starts with the one individual behind the brand. Steve Jobs was the original powerhouse behind the Apple brand. He understood that personal branding is the unique essence that truly sets apart your company form others. By being authentic to his true self, he transformed his company into an extension of his personality. He produced value in his work and brought revolutionary products to the world which some would argue, have changed the daily life.
While Steve Job’s might be one of the best role models in terms of shaping and growing a company to its utmost potential, it’s difficult to imagine the beginning stages that come prior to a company takeoff. Does this seem like a stressful, process? Have no fear because marketing professionals are trained to help companies grow through this process and get them to develop brand recognition regionally, nationally and even internationally.
Upcoming Course
On June 8th, 2018 Pearl Marketing Design will be holding a course at the Falls Event Center, in Manchester NH teaching you all about the ins and out of personal branding. This course will be the beginning of launching your company to maximize revenue opportunities. The course will feature “how to film quality videos on your smartphone” and motivational speakers as guest presenters. You will gain valuable knowledge on making local connections, defining your own personal message, and will be able to hear from motivational guest speakers who have built their own brands and learn ways to promote themselves for lead generating opportunities.
Everyone is welcomed to join this event, we recommend business owners, individuals who are sourcing leads (real estate agents, lawyers, etc) and any self employed individuals. If you’re out there wondering how to take your brand to the next level, this course is for you!
About Pearl Marketing Academy
The Pearl Marketing Academy program was designed by Founder and President, Amanda Schneck. With 15+ years of teaching college courses in leadership and marketing, Amanda remains current on business and marketing trends and understands how to advise effectively.
Coming soon: Pearl Marketing Academy! Our academy will provide marketing-specific training and development. The academy will provide you with the marketing data and tools to help your company be successful. Do you want to sign up for in-person course? Or do you want to take an online class at your leisure?
To get more information about our workshop or learn about the programs we offer, Register Here.