We’re not going to sugarcoat it; the past 18 months have been rough for businesses. Good news though, this upcoming season is ideal for bolstering your presence and promoting yourself for 2022.
As the smoke’s clearing, how do you pinpoint areas for marketing improvement? We came up with some targets for you to consider.

Visits to your Website, but Low Conversion Rate
This dissonance can be one of the first signs that something has to be fixed. Your website should be optimized with calls to action so that users linger on your pages with the expectation of booking, buying, or contacting you for more details via phone or email. When there’s low buzz on the Web, it’s time to switch tactics.
What to do: Consider a new form/landing page, prime web content for SEO

2. Your Leads Are Running Dry
The ultimate marketing challenge is drawing people to your brand and persuading them to remain as loyal customers. In a world where the Internet provides access to everything, carving a spot for your business takes considerable effort. Cold calls and print mailers may be useful for certain promotional events, but many marketers believe that digitizing your leads is key to business longevity.
What to do: Consider a CRM tool, analyze current tactics for more efficient solutions via consulting

3. Lackluster Social Media Engagement
Social Media Marketing can be a lot, especially for those who prefer life without it. But we know all too well that periods of radio silence – no new follows, shares, likes, or comments – doesn’t boost your brand to potential customers. Each post should be curated to provide entertainment, interactive engagement, information, or a call to action.
What to do: Social Media Audit, Graphic Design and Content Writing

4. Something Seems … Dull
This sensation happens with all brands. Like homes, they can grow outdated and in need of a new look. Perhaps it’s the website, or only the logo. Maybe the backgrounds on your media profiles can be refreshed. Having another pair of eyes review your branding designs could provide you with innovative ideas!
What to do: Brand Audit, Graphic Design and Consulting

5. Emails Bouncing Like Tennis Balls
It’s one thing to have low open and clickthrough rates, but if you are actively seeing a flow of unsubscribers, then you need a new strategy. Email relies on strong subject lines, personalization (achieved easily with a CRM tool), and good formatting. Want to get more use from your emails? Have a professional take a look under your marketing hood.
What to do: Consider a CRM tool, consulting, and email marketing services

6. Miscommunication with Customers Old and New
Before every purchase, the majority of potential buyers will consult reviews and testimonials to gauge whether the product or service is worth its value. Good reviews (and critical reviews – transparency is key for developing strong consumer relationships) should have a prominent place on your website, social media, and other promotional materials. Share what people say about your brand – it’s a solid method for growing your brand!
What to Do: Consider web design and social media marketing, encourage feedback from customers

7. You’re Waldo: Where are You?
This tip is essential for small to midsize business owner: in a corporate world, customers need to know where you are, because proximity could be key for a sale. Ensure that your location is accessible on search engines and across social media. Then we’d recommend an SEO check. Where are you ranking on the search engine results page? Optimize your website’s keywords and consider an Adwords campaign to bump your brand higher to the top.
What to Do: SEO and Consulting

We’re sure this blog has given you food for thought. Luckily, Pearl Marketing gives you options. You can access more blogs and other resources on our website. You can contact us for a quote on our consulting services. And lastly, you can take our courses in the Pearl Marketing Academy for college level learning that fits your budget!
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