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What Is An Instagram Business Profile?

Instagram is a photo and video sharing social networking platform that is wildly popular amongst teenagers and young adults. The older adult demographic usage is continuing to rise on a daily basis, leading it to become one of the most used forms of social media next to YouTube. It is currently one of the most popular forms of social media because of the variety of services it has to offer, especially through the use of an Instagram business profile. This feature allows businesses to create a page specifically for their brand to market their products or services to the world of Instagram, which is continuously growing. Within today’s society, it is practically viable to operate a business profile on Instagram if you own your own business. You may be asking yourself, how on earth are a few hashtags going to boost your sales, expand your clientele, and promote your products or services? That is exactly what we, Pearl Marketing, are here to talk to you about today.

Consumer Habits

Let’s start with consumer habits on Instagram. By being aware of these habits, you are able to cater to the consumer to ensure that they have the best experience possible while visiting your business’s profile. Consumers tend to only spend a few seconds on a business profile before losing interest in what they are viewing, so it is important to ensure that the profile is attractive and organized, all while still being able to get the overall mission of the business across. Consumers like to see varieties of colors as well as moving graphics, which are commonly referred to as gifs. 

Quality of Content

The type of industry the business is being operated in plays an enormous role in how to display content. Research prior to posts to personally cater to followers is a key aspect in operating an Instagram business profile. One of the key aspects of operating an Instagram business profile is to be consistent with how frequent you are posting. You want to keep your followers excited for future content. A profile will not acquire thousands of followers overnight, but will definitely accumulate thousands of followers over time if posts are appealing to the users eye and are being posted often. 

User Attraction

Adding hashtags and locations to posts creates more click traffic on the profile. This increases reach, which is the total number of individuals who can view the content posted. This also increases the number of impressions, which are the number of times that individuals view the content without going out of their way to click on it. Adding hashtags and location tags to posts provide the opportunity to be shown on the public page, or through the search feature using keywords and phrasing. Being shown on the public page will generate an overall greater number of followers. The location tag in particular presents the opportunity for your business’s content to be displayed on a local story, which is a great free advertising through the local community.

Stories and Highlights

One of the easiest ways to organize your business’s profile is by utilizing the highlight feature. Like many other networking services, Instagram has a story feature which leads into the highlight description. A story is a photo or short video that is attached to a specific profile for a maximum of twenty-four hours. Stories are fun and interesting for consumers to view because the content is displayed like a slideshow, rather than having to scroll through a general feed of photos. After creating a story, a business can then decide if they want to pin that story to a highlight section, which is attached to their profile. A highlight on Instagram is a category of pins that consumers will see when they click on your business’s profile. Creative covers can be added to each individual pinned story. A lot of businesses choose a particular graphic to be the cover of the pin to represent what the highlight is about, such as a paw if the story is going to show a variety of dogs. Other businesses sometimes use bright colors to create a comfortable page for the consumer to enjoy and share with friends. Highlights can be categorized and organized into whatever particular order you desire.

Swipe Up Feature

An important tool to utilize on an Instagram business profile is the swipe up feature. When posting a story, you are able to add content attached to that story that a user can engage with when they are prompted to swipe up. A lot of businesses attach landing pages to their websites through this feature that promotes products and services. This can increase revenue over time. Not only is this additional advertising, but it is also beneficial because Instagram records how many consumers actually swipe up. The only catch with the swipe up feature is that a business must be verified, or have at least 10,000 followers. One can submit a verification request through the “Settings” tab and menu on the application directly. Acquiring 10,000 followers may sound impossible, but is quite easy to do if you frequently do collaborations with other companies, follower shout outs, and sales on products or services. It is really important to develop a relationship with the Instagram community. 

Advertise, Advertise, Advertise

Instagram caters to companies by the frequent use of advertisements. When creating an advertisement, you are able to configure who you’d want your target audience to be and how often you want it to be shown in the newsfeed. The best part about advertisements on Instagram is that they are directly linked to Facebook. This is why having joint business accounts on both social networking sites pays off in the long run. Connecting those accounts gives you the opportunity to do more for your business with less action.

Be Creative

As stated previously, an Instagram business profile will not blow up with followers overnight. Building an Instagram account with high quality content takes time, effort, and creativity. One of the main aspects of a business profile is to constantly engage with users, in order for them to like and share your products or services with friends. In our opinion, Instagram is one of the best social media networks to accurately represent your brand with multiple different forms of advertising. For more direction on effective Instagram and other social media practices, consider partnering with an experienced marketing consultant, like Pearl Marketing. We have many ways in which you can contact us:

Speak to us at: (603) 732-9070

We offer a variety of services such as consulting, seminars, training, project management, and many more. Check us out on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.



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