
Video marketing is important to your marketing strategy

How important is creating online video when planning your marketing campaigns and brand strategy? Consider these three trends:

  1. By 2019, 80% of all internet traffic will be video[1]
  2. A 2014 survey of 1,046 consumers aged 18-54 who have shopped online found that 53% (+/-3.3%) of Americans said that a YouTube video influenced their decision to purchase a product at least once in their life[2]
  3. Considering that YouTube is viewed by more 18 to 49 year olds than any cable network[3], there is potential to influence hundreds of millions of people in the US and throughout the world into purchasing your product or service[4]

Why are videos so influential?

  • video information is processed quicker by the brain than text information
  • video shows personality in a way that text cannot
  • video boosts search engine optimization
  • video demonstrations on a product or checkout page leads to higher product order values and conversions

Having video on your website boosts Search Engine Optimization and improves its ranking on Google Search. Furthermore, video can create an emotional bond with your audience as humans naturally connect with video and process visual data faster than reading text[5]. For consumers who won’t read long descriptions, videos effectively increase the understanding of your product or service and influence consumers purchasing decisions. It is reported that 90% of users say that viewing a video about a product is helpful in their decision-making process5. At Pearl Marketing & Design, we see an increase in likes/shares on our customers social media pages and increased customer engagement and comments when we post a video to their website and social networks. For companies that do email marketing, our customers find double the click-through rates by adding a video to their email marketing strategy.

The “how to’s” of making a video

Every business dreams of its video going viral. Often times a video that is unconventional, funny or witty has a high chance of going viral. Certain emotions such as awe, surprise, joy, humor and courage help your video to go viral as well. A viral video will drive visitors to your website, increase likes on social networks, and expand your “followers”. Here are a few simple tips for creating video content:

  • Know your target audience – as the intention of a video is to gain an interested audience, take some time to research the interests and behaviors of your target audience
  • Craft your message – communicate your intended message clearly by staying on point, minimizing “um”s, and keeping your eyes on the camera at all times
  • Have fun with it – remember, this video is showcasing your company’s personality to the world, so you want to exude confidence, high energy, and creativity
  • Keep it relatively short – The average attention span of someone is approximately 8.25 seconds. That is why we see some commercials have gone from 1 minute long to 15 seconds or 30 seconds long. People tend to absorb content quickly during shorter commercials and lose interest when exposed to longer content.
  • Posting – post your video on your website, preferred social media platforms (including YouTube), and place in email newsletters and blogs. Be sure to add “tags” in order to attract the appropriate audiences. And then “boost” your post.
  • Hire a professional – although we have all seen amateur videos go viral, oftentimes their popularity comes as a surprise. Think of a video as your “virtual store or office” and make sure it is representing your business in the manner in which you want your audience to perceive it.

Contact Pearl Marketing & Design today ([email protected] or 603-732-9070) to schedule your next company video.  Our video team will work with you to create video content that expresses the personality of you and your brand. We have the most current camera technologies (a licensed drone, 360-degree camera, etc.) and software to record, edit, and create just about anything you would like. We will even edit self-made videos. Let us help you build customer relationships, tell your company’s story, and showcase your brand through a professional video.

You can see some of our recent videos by visiting our website at

[1] Cisco Visual Networking Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2014–2019. Retrieved March 6, 2016, from generation-network/white_paper_c11-481360.pdf
[2] 53% Say a YouTube Video Influenced a Purchase at Least Once? (2013). Retrieved March 6, 2016, from
[3] (n.d.). Retrieved March 6, 2016, from
[4] How Video Marketing Influences Your Customers’ Decisions [Infographic] – Vidyard. (n.d.). Retrieved March 6, 2016, from
[5] 50 Must-Know States About Video Marketing 2016, January 12, 2016. Retrieved March 6, 2016 from

Author pearladmin

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