What is this “Lead Nurturing” term all about?

Perhaps you’ve heard the term “Lead Generation” and understand that it’s the process of generating leads to your business to ultimately increase sales. In order to increase sales, you have to make the sale by turning the lead into an actual customer. This process refers to the lesser known, yet equally as important, term called “Lead Nurturing.” A lead nurturing process must exist as a part of your lead generation marketing strategy to convert the leads into loyal customers. Lead nurturing campaigns exist to create relationships with potential clients and positively nurture relationships with existing clients. This process drives revenue from a structured database of leads through marketing campaigns. 

What is a Lead Nurturing Campaign?

A lead generation campaign consists of a marketing goal, usually, but not limited to, increasing awareness about a product or service, or a limited time offer or sale. The nurturing part comes into play when the lead has been captured and the business/company follows up in various, strategic ways to pursue the lead to become a customer.

The process of lead nurturing often consists of a landing page that provides relevant content and a call to action, and emails that entice the readers and present the value of what is being campaigned. A lead nurturing process can also be referred to as “drip marketing,” which relates back to the general idea of a funnel system. Through client grouping, personalized messages, and sales strategies, the potential buyer is assisted through each key part of the journey until making a sale through marketing automation. These automations become possible to create through a customer relationship management tool, also known as a CRM (see the end of this blog for more information on CRM tools).

Drip Campaigns and Automations

Email drip campaigns are one of the fundamental aspects involved in lead nurturing. They are important throughout any industry in order to remain in contact with valued clients and interested leads. Planning these campaigns in advance saves time and money for the company and saves time for the lead as well. Preparing campaigns by using marketing automations help information get relayed in a timely and accurate manner, and ensures that you don’t miss an opportunity to convert a lead into a customer. The best part about marketing automations is how personalized the messages provided can be to cater to specific clientele. These personalized messages are also able to be tracked by the distributor as well, which can build overall stronger client relationships.

Campaign Strategies

We are going to describe a campaign strategy to help you understand how these automations can benefit and positively influence your business’ mission. Say you are running an email drip campaign to gain more subscribers to your email newsletter so they can learn more about your services and/products. Your first goal is to get them to sign up and then purchase the products or services you provide. It is best to start with an initial “Thank You” email when the automation flow is triggered and briefly introduce your products or services to the consumer. By thanking the consumer for signing up to receive your newsletters, you have already created a positive and professional relationship with them. Even if they are not introduced to the product or service at the moment, it is still valuable to build a relationship with them so they are able to consider your company in the near future.

The next part of the campaign consists of a second automation that explains the core values of the company and informs the reader about the products and services provided. One of the most important aspects involved with every single automation is to ensure that the content provided is efficient and clear to read. We definitely do not want a client to become confused, or to lose interest in the content provided to them. Make sure that all emails are branded the same.

Lead Nurturing Content

An important element of any successful lead nurturing campaign is to capture the lead with high quality content. This content should be captivating, informative, and relevant to your industry. Provide a free incentive, like a white paper, or a successful case study relating to the progress that your company has made as a whole.

A white paper discusses a major problem within an industry and your company provides the solution within the white paper. Show that your business has the readers overall best interest in mind, which you do! This is referred to as, “Doing more with less”. A case study provides real life examples to potential or already existing clients, which proves that your company represents strong values and is reliable. This relates back to the idea of nurturing, as you are continuing to engage with clients to help them see the value and find the solutions in what you are providing them.

Effective campaigns stand out and give the user something he/she wants!

The rest of the campaign emails should be primarily service or product focused. Continue to explain how your products or services solve the readers problem, but attach limited time offers exclusively to them as the campaign automations move along. This allows for your business to stand out from all of the other companies who are presenting something similar. Showing your products or services to be different without downgrading opposing companies is viewed as positive competition Here’s an example! If you own and operate a mechanic shop that is down the street from an opposing mechanic shop, what will make your business better? Provide a special deal in your campaign, such as “Utilize us for your next inspection and get your next oil change FREE.” This is your opportunity to get those leads to act now through creating a good deal and a sense of urgency.

CRM Tools

A Customer Relationship Management tool, also commonly referred to as CRM, is used to effectively run lead nurturing campaigns similar to what has been previously discussed. A CRM tool allows you to create lists of contacts who will be receiving email automations based upon their interests and past engagements. To find out which CRM tool is best for you, contact Pearl Marketing today at (603) 732-9070. Our team of specialists can assist in developing an effective lead generation campaign and lead nurturing strategy.

Pearl Marketing Online Academy 

Pearl Marketing is excited to introduce one of its newest online tools, Pearl Marketing Academy! Our online academy has engaging courses and seminars that effectively help you learn and understand marketing strategies – no matter what industry you may be in. One of the courses offered, which was developed by our experienced professionals, is entirely on Lead Generation. Some of the other courses offered are Social Media, Video Marketing, and Branding. Each marketing course provides over 90 minutes of in-depth information, delivered through video lessons, tutorials, and supplemental worksheets. Enroll today at https://www.pearlmarketingacademy.com/courses-list/.

Contact Us

Contact us at Pearl Marketing, as we offer a wide variety of services such as consulting, seminars, training, project management, and many more! Check us out on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Give us a call as we can assist with all of your marketing needs! Speak to us directly at (603) 732-9070.


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